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Irrationally Passionate by Jason Kothari is a highly personal account of one of the brightest entrepreneurial minds. The book is full of practical advice along with philosophical insights. It is about Jason’s journey from being a rebel to a successful entrepreneur. In this process of relentlessly pursuing his passion Jason became one of the highest paid executives that the country has ever seen that too in his 30s. I would like to express my gratitude towards Blogadda’s Book Review Program for considering me to review this book.

Book : Irrationally Passionate

Author : Jason Kothari

Publisher : Harper Business

Language : English

Genre : Autobiography

The Cover of the book is nicely done with a picture of the author and it seems perfect considering it being an autobiography. The title of the book does justice to the content and his journey by the time you finish reading the book.

One can get a life lesson from anyone or from any situation and that is what exactly Jason tries to convey through the eleven chapters of the book as each chapter gives a peek into a different stage of his life.

From the prologue we get to know the first business negotiation deal which Jason does where he discusses an event from his childhood about buying a chessboard from a roadside seller. The initial chapters talk about his love for Valiant comics and his relationship with his parents, who have been a constant support throughout his life. He also discusses how he could have lost everything to drugs abuse and his reckless behaviour.

In further chapters he showcases the art of defining a clear strategy and you will be surprise to know that he learned all of this in a Muay Thai training centre.

In the latter half of the book he describes his journey of being a CEO in various organisations and saving them and turning around their fortunes from a near death scenarios and in the process earning the name of the ‘turnaround guy.’ He also tries to put light on the difficult choices of letting employees go and the toll these decisions take on one’s mind and body.

It is a fast read ably supported by a lucid writing style and a simple vocabulary which goes at a thriller speed and one might complete it in two sittings. There are portions of the book that are informative and one can draw so much learning from them that one doesn’t want the chapter to end and get more details of the scenario.

Jason Kothari’s autobiographical journey, Irrationally Passionate is a book where he bares all about his life from being a train-wreck kid to being one of the most successful young entrepreneurs. If you have the entrepreneurial streak in you, this one is a must read. Don’t miss it.

Read my book review on Goodreads and Amazon.

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