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For A to Z challenge this year, I have chosen to feature the “Authors of Razzmatazz” as it has always been a desire to not just interview the authors on my YouTube channel but also write about them. The idea is to feature as many authors I can, however, it won’t be possible to include them all. You can watch all the 100 episodes on my channel anytime.

“Razzmatazz with Rashi” is a YouTube show that gives a platform to the authors to introduce their books and share their writing journey. A book is a dream and on this platform we celebrate that journey of hard work and dedication. The show is the winner of the Global Book Community Awards 2020. It has become a trusted platform for authors and running successfully with four seasons and more than hundred episodes so far.

The zeal to keep going comes from a various sources and it is always required. My dad was the biggest cheerleader who watched all the episodes and called me later to tell me what he liked about it. I knew I would always have at least one viewer and it was him. After I lost him, I also lost the passion to do anything. I almost gave up and was in no mood for the next season when my friends came to the rescue. They literally pushed me to give it a shot and expressed their desire to get featured on the show. That in itself was a huge motivation and when I realized that if this platform can help them promote their books, then why not, who am I to say no. A handful of friends also messaged me asking when the next season is starting so they could join in and that made me show up with a smile.

I cannot forget my family when it comes to acknowledging the people behind this show. My kids now know that they need to play quietly when I am on call, interviewing my guests! Sometimes, the dad needs to take the kids out so I can continue with the episode smoothly. A lot goes behind the scenes to present the show successfully.

I love to keep the audience engaged and have been encouraging them to participate and win on the show. The wonderful sponsors have been very generous in sending their author signed books to the winners. It feels great to be associated with lovely people from the community and inspires me to continue with the show and introduce fabulous authors, their books and their writing journey with everyone.

If you have been a part of ‘Razzmatazz with Rashi’ in any which way, or if you want to be a part of it, don’t forget to comment below.

Stay tuned for the next season!

Here is the link to watch the entire playlist of all the episodes of “Razzmatazz with Rashi.”

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023.


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One thought on “Z – Zeal to Keep Going

  1. I love your show and still remember the surprise I had when you asked me to come to it for the first time. You can always count on me to eagerly be one of the guests on the show!

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