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Yes, dreams do come true! All you need to do is to dare to dream, take efforts to fulfil it and hit the right opportunity. My dream of becoming an author has now come true and I want to pen my journey to immortalize it.


I was lucky that the habit of reading was instilled in me at a very young age. I remember how I engrossed myself in reading the books that were available at home and in my school library. Later, while studying English Literature, I studied the works of Jane Austen and it was there that the thought of writing a book took birth.


I went ahead and I did my post-graduation, grabbed a flourishing job in my dream company, married the love of my life and had two adorable kids. Then came a phase of my life where I was eventually cocooned at home, taking utmost care of my kids and spending the rest of the time in reading and playing my keyboard. Making the best use of solitude, by now I had already started writing. I wrote poems, stories and some parenting blogs which turned out well and I also won awards for it. It encouraged me further and I thought of writing a book on a serious note.


It is rightly said that when you truly wish for something, you get help from unexpected sources to fulfil it and my source here was Twitter! I was new to it and started following some of my favourite authors and that is how I came across Blogchatter’s Ebook Carnival. Without wasting time, I immediately connected with them and registered for the carnival which was just a month away.


With a one-month-old baby in my arms, still recovering from my caesarean surgery, amidst a pile of diapers, sleepless nights, nursing blues, post-partum depression and with lots of people around, I couldn’t find a log to hold upon to fulfil my dream. At times I gave up completely because I would wait for my kids to fall asleep so that I could write. By the time I got that required pin-drop silence at home, I was too tired to look for my laptop.


Blogchatter, on the other hand, was highly encouraging, the session they arranged with established authors, their microblog sessions and Facebook chats all motivated me to keep going. Various authors shared their experiences with us, answered our questions, gave tips and helped us in our journey. Every such session was filled with enthusiasm and I also ended up winning two author-signed copies.


Only thing that was getting difficult for me was to dedicate time for my book. I then decided to first ditch the laptop and switch to my mobile for writing and second, write anytime and anywhere. I wrote while I was feeding my baby, I wrote when I was awake at three in the morning, I wrote while waiting for my turn at the hospital, I wrote while eating, I was always scribbling something and eventually I ended up finishing the entire book in my mobile. To my surprise, I was ready with not just one but two books simultaneously.


Then came the difficult part of editing, designing covers, and formatting which was not very easy to do in mobile. To add to my woes, we had to move to a different city at that very time. Till now an entire village helped me with my kids but now I was all alone. It was impossible to take out time, managing a toddler and a new-born. I still tried to work smart but my laptop crashed and so all my hopes too came crashing down. The only possibility to complete my book was now to work on my hubby’s office laptop. To test my patience, it was also his go-live month in office and he would return home not before midnight and sometimes as late as 2 a.m. So, on a weekend I hijacked his laptop for two days. He too helped me with the formatting, the last-minute hassles, we also fought while our ideas clashed and finally I hit the submit button!


Then came the big day of the book launch. Blogchatter made it a very special event for all of us and launched all the books of the carnival one after the other. I was impatiently waiting for my turn and was extremely proud to be part of the august group of authors. Blogchatter made it look like a cake walk, brought smiles to our faces and changed our lives forever.


May 22nd, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. I witnessed my cherished dream come true, I was now a published author.


I can’t thank Blogchatter enough for guiding me throughout and boosting my confidence. They also came up with brilliant ideas to promote your book through book teasers, cover reveal, dramatic reading and roleplays. The book was then available for reading and I received some wonderful reviews.


Be a part of Blogchatter’s eBook Carnival and your journey to become an author would be full of fun and pride. You can register and check the details here – https://www.theblogchatter.com/blogchatterebook-returns-for-season-4


For any other query related to publishing a book, you can reach out to me and I would be happy to help you fulfil your dream.


Watch my book teaser and roleplay here –https://youtu.be/CWv2rOLkgOI


You can read my book here – https://www.amazon.in/Color-Love-Rashi-Roy-ebook/dp/B07F6FVM4T





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