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For A to Z challenge this year, I have chosen to feature the “Authors of Razzmatazz” as it has always been a desire to not just interview the authors on my YouTube channel but also write about them. The idea is to feature as many authors I can, however, it won’t be possible to include them all. You can watch all the 100 episodes on my channel anytime.

“Razzmatazz with Rashi” is a YouTube show that gives a platform to the authors to introduce their books and share their writing journey. A book is a dream and on this platform we celebrate that journey of hard work and dedication. The show is the winner of the Global Book Community Awards 2020. It has become a trusted platform for authors and running successfully with four seasons and more than hundred episodes so far.

In today’s post we have ‘My Colourful World’ by Shubhra Rastogi.

Shubhra was on my show for the first time and the viewers loved the episode and her book so much that she emerged as one of the winners. I had a lot of fun chatting with her about her writing journey and her book. You can watch the whole episode here. You will also find the links to the book and social media in the description of the video.

Here’s a brief about this fabulous author of razzmatazz and her amazing book.

Shubhra Rastogi is a dentist by education, a healthcare analyst, a medical writer by profession, and a writer by chance. As a child she used to write short stories as part if ger holiday homework. Her closest stint to becoming an author was when she used to write blogs about her daughter. This book, which was written in the onset of Covid, is also inspired by her daughters. While blogging she has won numerous awards, some big some small. Nonetheless, these awards were always welcome and impelled her to write further.

“What happens next is nothing less than a disaster! I throw up all the milk. Then she sits with her hands on her head, talking to herself, “If only I had burped you!” and has to change my clothes for the nth time that day.”

If only the new mom would have been attentive to what her baby was thinking, the calamity would have been avoided. There are so many times when babies are misinterpreted. When a baby cries we often think the baby is hungry, cold, sweaty, colicky, or uncomfortable in a dirty diaper. It is so hard for us to figure out what babies are thinking. This book gives a sneak peek into the wonderful world of babies.

No wonder the book has received wonderful reviews and I am sharing some here –

“Based off the author’s personal experience, this book is written from the perspective of the newborn baby. Each topic is like a short note that delivers medical advice, infant care tips, practical activities, and more to get comfortable with caring for the newborn baby. I especially enjoyed the more personal anecdotes of the interaction with different family members from the baby spa massages, to the personal trainer sibling. A beautiful book to read for anyone expecting a baby.”

“What a wonderful book ! I have ever read.Very beautiful written about child psychology, their needs as well as mother’s sacrifice and love. I have finished this book in one sitting without having tea which was kept in front of me.The character Miss A and Baby A always attract you during readings the book. I really appreciate the approach of writer Dr.Shubhra who brings this book for all parents,so that they can handle their little one easily.”

“Initially bought this book for my elder daughter to help her relate to the world of her younger sister…but after reading it myself felt that new parents, would be parents and even grand parents would really find this light hearted collection of short stories from the perspective of an infant very relatable, insightful and candid…above all the experienced parents will definitely have a Deja-vu moment..and it will bring a 2.5 inches smile on face for sure. Loved the author’s deep understanding about siblings’ chemistry and infant’s painpoints, needs and aspirations in their own little world. Also, after reading the book it was evident that the author learnt these perspectives the hard way and taken most of the stories from the true life events and experiences..but without doubt she has put in the A-Z of her babies world in very cheerful and humourous way in this short read. Last but NOT the least..I really wanted to listen more from Baby A and Miss A in almost all the 26 contexts…wish in her next book the Author doesn’t leave us wanting more..and make the stories more comprehensive without losing the cute sense of humour style and honest true observations and facts that she has blended beautifully in these short stories.”

If you have read her book or have watched her episode on my channel, don’t forget to comment below.

Stay tuned for the next lovely author.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023.

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10 thoughts on “C – My Colourful World by Shubhra Rastogi

    1. Thank you! Yes, I always wanted to have them on my blog as well. This was perfect for the challenge I guess 🙂

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