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For A to Z challenge this year, I have chosen to feature the “Authors of Razzmatazz” as it has always been a desire to not just interview the authors on my YouTube channel but also write about them. The idea is to feature as many authors I can, however, it won’t be possible to include them all. You can watch all the 100 episodes on my channel anytime.

“Razzmatazz with Rashi” is a YouTube show that gives a platform to the authors to introduce their books and share their writing journey. A book is a dream and on this platform we celebrate that journey of hard work and dedication. The show is the winner of the Global Book Community Awards 2020. It has become a trusted platform for authors and running successfully with four seasons and more than hundred episodes so far.

Today’s post is about the Q&A episode I did to celebrate the milestone of completing 100 episodes.

It has been a long journey of inviting the wonderful authors on my show and talking about their fantastic books. Readers definitely look forward to knowing more about their favourite author’s writing journey and life in general. I decided to take a few interesting questions from the audience to answer them on the special episode. Some of them are shared below-

How it all began?

When I published my first ebook with Blogcatter’s ebook Carnival in 2018, I was approached by a lot of bloggers for interviews and got featured on their blogs. It was a wonderful way of supporting each other and introducing new authors and their books.

Next year, when I wasn’t participating in the ebook carnival, I mentored a few new writers with their books and I loved it when they published their books. That is when I decided to create a platform where authors can come and speak at length about their books and all that goes behind it. Initially, the thought was to feature them on my blog but then I decided to invite them on my YouTube channel as I thought readers would be delighted to see the author behind the book. The idea worked and has been going strong for the last four years.

What was the challenge?

The biggest challenge back then and even now is to get the authors face the camera! Our lovely authors are extremely camera shy, and they just don’t want to talk about their books. They prefer to write, and I had to convince them that the author is the best person to talk about the book and all that goes behind in coming up with a book. When they agreed and when they watched themselves on the show, they absolutely loved it.

Where do you get the authors from?

Honestly, the idea was to interview the authors who participated in Blogchatter’s ebook carnival as I was one of the mentors that year. When I shared the idea of this show with Richa Singh, she welcomed it and supported me in every way possible. The team helped me contact the authors and the rest I contacted myself with whom I was in touch on social media. As I started sharing the episodes on my YouTube channel, more authors showed interest and now I get requests from various other places. It gives me immense pleasure to see how authors trust this platform and choose it to promote their books.

PS- if you are an author and would like to get featured, I am just a message away.

If you want to know what were the questions that were sent to me, you need to watch the episode and get all the answers and if you have more questions, you can definitely comment below!

Stay tuned for the next lovely author.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023.

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4 thoughts on “Q – Q&A Episode (Questions and Answers)

  1. You work so hard on Razzmatazz with Rashi and it shows in the attention to detail of the show. Though I have not watched all the episodes, I have caught quite a few and love watching my peers talk about their writing journey.
    P.s. have to admit I was very surprised when you reached out for it for the first time, and I do cherish the thought that you thought I was knowledgeable to come on your show

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