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Make it a Habit


A wardrobe is a place that stays tidy only for a few days. The day you arrange it, it feels so wonderful, it looks so neat but just take out one cloth from it and it’s a mess. Even we adults struggle to keep it organized, imagine how difficult it must be for kids.


To teach my children about the importance of organizing things, I bought a separate kid’s wardrobe for them. Its easily accessible, and I keep minimum clothes in it to make it easier for them to organize. Children are very observant, they will follow everything you do. They also remember things really well. If you instruct them to keep the shirts on the top rack and trousers on the second rack, they will follow diligently.


My four-year-old son has gradually developed the habit of keeping his wardrobe organized. He has learnt how to fold his clothes, which may not be perfect, but it’s wonderful to see him take efforts.


I love making DIY things at home, mostly by reusing and recycling household things. When he was younger, I used a few empty diaper boxes to make a temporary wardrobe for his clothes. To make it fun, I drew pictures of his clothes and clipped them. He would playfully learn where to keep his clothes and instead of throwing them all over the house he would stuff them in his wardrobe.


That initial learning helped when I bought a new wardrobe for him. He loves doing his task of keeping it tidy. I also encourage him by giving small rewards like telling him a new story or playing a game if he organizes his clothes. That works well every time and he folds his clothes and keeps them in place in no time.


I have seen in some households parents don’t encourage children to take part in chores. They believe that it will hinder their studies and thus, they should not waste time doing chores. However, I have observed that when we inculcate this habit at a young age, it helps in the long run. This way children will learn that keeping the house neat and tidy is not just the job of the mother but of the entire family.


Parents should always encourage and involve children in the household chores they do. I am thankful to my parents for teaching us the importance of doing our tasks ourselves at a very young age. When you grow up, it becomes a habit and doesn’t seem to be a burden. If every member of the family takes up their responsibilities and share the load, life will be much happier.


‘I pledge to #ShareTheLoad in household chores in association with Ariel and BlogAdda


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